The City is constructing a new 250,000 gallon stainless steel water tank during the remainder of the Water Tank and Pipeline Replacement Project, funded by the Department of Water Resources. During the replacement process, the City is required to operate the water system with just one storage tank. Please be assured that the City has been coordinating the construction sequencing with the water plant operators, public works staff, City Manager, City staff, and the contractor and construction management team. Replacement of the City’s aging redwood water storage tanks have been a priority. The installation of the new tank is replacing an aging 150,000 gallon redwood tank. This replacement will assist the City in improving its storage capacity and reduce vulnerability in the event of a wildfire. Construction is anticipated to come to a close in March 2025, meaning that the construction will continue over the winter months. This extended period allows for lead time for tank materials to be delivered and installed. We ask that during this time residents also be prudent with their water use and quickly report any visible leaks or problems to the City so they can be addressed promptly.