Planning & Building Services


Planning Services

The City of Trinidad contracts for its Planning functions. SHN, a professional planning consulting firm based in nearby Arcata, has been the City of Trinidad's professional planner for a number of years. Trever Parker is the Lead Planner and can be reached at 707-441-8855.

Building Services

The City of Trinidad contracts for its Building functions. Dan Dimick serves as our Building Official. Contact City Hall at 707-677-0223 to arrange for a plan check or building inspection, or email the City Clerk.

General Plan

The Trinidad General Plan is a legislative document that sets forth development constraints and preferences and develops a program for the orderly development of public service facilities and private lands. The General Plan also identifies the actions that each governmental entity must take to implement the plan. 

Local Coastal Program Update

The City of Trinidad is in the process of completing a comprehensive update of its entire Local Coastal Program (LCP). This consists of portions of the General Plan and Zoning, Grading, Building and Subdivision Ordinances. The LCP must be certified by the Coastal Commission as consistent with and adequate to carry out policies and regulations of the Coastal Act. The update will include a variety of opportunities for public and stakeholder input. Upcoming meetings and links to current drafts will be provided here. Check back often for updates. You can also request to be on the City's Email list by subscribing here.