Trinidad Septic Program
The City of Trinidad Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) Management Program is a regulatory program designed to ensure that septic systems in the City are inspected, maintained, and appropriately upgraded in order to protect public health and water quality.
The benefits of having an OWTS program include:
- Reducing bacterial pollution in our creeks and groundwater;
- Protecting health, safety, and public welfare;
- Maintaining control when State regulations are not designed for local needs;
- Protecting Trinidad Bay (an area of Biological Significance);
- Cost savings from maintaining septic systems versus implementation of a City-wide sewer system;
- Protection of home values through septic maintenance and upkeep.
In fact, it was the concerns voiced by the community in the 1990s that led to the development of the program. Residents, at that time, were very concerned about the potential beach closures due to beach seepage and bacterial contamination.
For more details, see the documents listed below and/or reach out to City Staff for more information.