The City of Trinidad is rotating its main page website photos every month or two. If you have a favorite picture that features our lovely town and/or its natural setting and you’d like to share with the community, please send to ckelly [at] (ckelly[at]trinidad[dot]ca[dot]gov).
Credit will be given to the photographer, but we don't have a budget, so please send only the work you're comfortable with 'lending' at no charge. We’ll feature as many photos as possible over the coming months.
Please format all photos submitted to 1920 x 1080 pixels.
We are currently featuring photos by former resident and City Council member Richard Clompus. Richard sells his work by request. Inquiries can be sent to: rclompus [at] (rclompus[at]mac[dot]com)
Last month we featured Anita Thompson’s photograph of Trinidad Head.
The City received submissions from a few other photographers, as well, and we will slot some of their shots in over the coming year.
Happy snapping!